Many factors go into online reputation management. Each company is unique in its monitoring needs for its online presence, but some common reputation management strategies include focusing on autocomplete results, reviews, positive content generation, and search engine optimization (SEO).
Online reputation management can be challenging to understand without expert help, and SEO has many layers to it to help influence positive reputation for brands online. Our SEO and reputation management experts here at BRANDefenders have years of experience working with various clients and know how to generate the best results for your business.
This article will outline the role of SEO in online reputation management and a few marketing tactics to start trying to improve your reputation through SEO.
What is SEO?
SEO, or search engine optimization in simple terms, is the process of improving your website, content, or social media posts to increase visibility when someone searches for your product or business.
All content from your company can be optimized to increase the chance of it showing up on Google, Bing, or other search engine result pages. The better the visibility is for your business, the more attention and customers you will attract to your business.
This is important to online reputation management because harmful content surrounding your business or bad reviews can damage your reputation. Through SEO, there are ways to decrease the visibility of that harmful content and optimize positive content surrounding your business to ensure the positive content is seen on search results, and harmful content is suppressed.
Maintaining a positive online reputation is one of the most important investments for your business. Most people Google a product or business before purchasing, so if negative reviews or articles are lurking on your search results, you will likely lose that sale to a competitor.
How Does SEO Work?
The first thing to know about search engines like Google and Bing is that they use an indexing system. When you think about indexing, think of a library and how thousands of books, DVDs, magazines, and other information are organized.
Without the organization and indexing of these materials, a librarian will have no idea how to help you find what you are looking for. Indexing allows librarians to pull up the book (or, in our case, the web page) you are looking for.
In the same sense, when you enter something into the search bar on a search engine, you are trying to pull up the most accurate results for the information you are trying to gather. Google and Bing have bots that crawl from page to page to gather important information and give you the best result possible.
On top of indexing, there is also an algorithm for each search engine. Algorithms analyze the data and information in the index to rank and determine the order of the pages for the search terms you entered.
Using SEO marketing tactics allows SEO experts to optimize information so that the bots crawling the search results pages will recognize the information as relevant and appear in the search results.
Unlike paid advertising, you can’t pay for search results to rank content higher than others. You have to use SEO tactics to improve the search result pages.
This is a basic explanation of what SEO is and how it works. Overall, SEO can be confusing and hard to understand, but it is essential to business online reputation management.
SEO can be very technical and has many levels of understanding, so hiring reputation management experts at BRANDefenders is critical. Through the team’s years of SEO experience, we can help improve search results.
How Does SEO Influence Online Reputation Management?
SEO is the tactics and strategies that go into helping content be seen on Google and other search engines. Without SEO, you won’t have any online presence; if you don’t have any online presence, there is no reputation to manage.
With SEO, your brand will be seen, and it can help you attract your target audience. In partnership with online reputation management tactics, SEO will flood the search results with articles, reviews, and other positive content around your brand.
However, before jumping into SEO and online reputation, if you have negative reviews and internal problems, you will want to work out those kinks internally before working on external marketing.
If problems within your company need to be addressed and you ignore those problems, then more negative articles, reviews, and comments on posts will circulate the internet, just making for a giant headache.
With the combination of online reputation management and search engine optimization, you can significantly improve your search results and presence online. However, reputation management is not fixed overnight; it takes consistent work and months of patience to see great results.
Without SEO, your online reputation will be nearly impossible to improve. That’s why SEO is so crucial to online reputation management. Below are a few things you can start doing to improve your online reputation in combination with SEO.
Tips For Improving Your Online Reputation With SEO
Learn and Become Interactive with Google My Business
Google has a complicated algorithm that allows for the best search results when someone searches specific search terms. Google My Business hosts business profiles with information for others to see when they google your business or brand.
Google often uses a localized approach for its algorithm, so if someone searches ‘car repair shops near me,’ it will pull up local repair shops near the individual Googling.
On your Google My Business account, there are ways to optimize the information and create unique content for local users. This may include letting locals know about a deal you have with tires or oil changes over the weekend or giving them exclusive access to other perks for living near your business.
Having unique user experiences will positively influence your online reputation and help drive traffic to your shop, services, or website.
Create High-Quality Optimized Content
Content on the internet can consist of many different things; whether it be articles, press releases, videos, or social media posts, content can help drive users to your website and increase your overall reputation online.
One of the most important things to remember when it comes to content is to be consistent and make content timeless and relevant to your brand. Now, trending sounds or videos may be helpful for social media, and they can significantly benefit your online reputation, especially when it is optimized.
News and trending information usually ranks high on search engines but can quickly fall off the results. However, creating accurate and timeless content allows those articles to rank for your business and can be an excellent resource for customers for years to come.
Optimizing articles with backlinks and proper keywords will help the articles rank on search results and benefit your online reputation.
Develop your Business’ Brand
Coming up with a product or service helps start a business, but building a brand is more than just selling something online. Building a brand helps others know what your business is all about.
In recent years, one of the best things people have done to build their brand is giving back to the community. That could be something as simple as donating a certain amount per sale of a product or something more complex like holding events to raise money for a cause.
Whatever it is, building a brand around a purpose, mission statement, and cause can help to improve your online reputation.
Alongside these tactics for building a brand is being consistent with logos, product design, and all other things that are presented to customers. This could be email campaigns, social media posts, your website, and many other things. Without a consistent style guide, your brand will be hard to recognize.
There are many ways to build a brand, and each business is unique. But by being consistent, building a purpose around your business, and giving back to the community, you can gain the trust of your customers and all other stakeholders in your business.
This will improve your online presence and strengthen your business all at once. Branding is also crucial to SEO, as Google and other search engines will be able to recognize your content and index it properly.
Without search engine optimization, online reputation management is not as successful. Learn ways to improve your SEO efforts or hire experts at BRANDefenders to help you get your articles, reviews, and other content recognized and your online reputation improved.